Making Weight Loss Simple For Busy Dads

Balancing work, family, and personal time is hard enough. Losing weight seems like an extra job you just don’t have time for. As a dad of three young kids myself, I get it.

I help you cut through the noise to bring you simple, effective strategies for weight loss that fit into your hectic schedule. No more guesswork, just results.

Your Plan For Getting in Shape

Through 1-on-1 coaching, I will help you design a plan that fits into your life without requiring endless hours you don’t have.

Personalized Nutrition That Includes Your Favorite Foods

Forget about cutting out all the foods you actually enjoy. My approach to nutrition focuses on flexibility, allowing you to enjoy your favorite meals while still reaching your goals. This isn’t about restrictions; it’s about making smart, enjoyable choices that lead to incredible results.

Lifelong Success

With my guidance, you’ll develop the habits that not only deliver results now but will also allow you to continue to see results long-term. I’m here to make sure you never have to start over again.

Support, Every Step of the Way

Imagine having a coach by your side 24/7. That’s what I offer. Through bi-weekly video chats and unlimited messaging, I’m here to provide the personalized support and solutions you need.

Customized Fitness Plan

I’ll work with you to create a custom training plan that fits into your schedule.
Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting out, whether you prefer the gym or home workouts, I will guide you to the best results you’ve ever had.

Your Path to Success, Simplified

Through comprehensive support and a customized solution like you’ve never had before, I’ll help you overcome obstacles and reach your goals, all while enjoying the process along the way.

If this sounds like what you might be looking for, click the link below to start your coaching application.

What My Clients Have to Say!

About Anthony

Being a dad is the best job in the world. But I know that to be the best dad that I can be, I must prioritize my own health and fitness.

From home workouts in grade school to getting into weightlifting in college, I’ve always been into fitness. But my understanding of nutrition was lacking, and as life got busier after I got married, I gained weight more quickly than I would have liked and I grew increasingly unhappy with how I looked and felt. 

Through trial and error, multiple coaches, and extensive study, I crafted an adaptable approach to fitness and nutrition that I could stick to even with the busiest of schedules.

Becoming a dad clarified my life’s purpose. When my son was born, I knew my calling was to excel as a dad and husband and to support other dads in doing the same for their families.


  • Bachelor’s of Science in Kinesiology
  • Master’s of Science in Curriculum and Instruction
  • Precision Nutrition Level 1
  • Precision Nutrition Level 2
  • Online Trainer Academy Level 1
  • Online Trainer Academy Level 2
  • National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer 
  • National Academy of Sports Medicine Corrective Exercise Specialist

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